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Group-based multiple pipe routing method for aero-engine focusing on parallel layout

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2021, Volume 16, Issue 4,   Pages 798-813 doi: 10.1007/s11465-021-0645-3

Abstract: External pipe routing for aero-engine in limited three-dimensional space is a typical nondeterministicThis paper presents an automatic multiple pipe routing method for aero-engine that focuses on parallelFinally, the simulation results on an aero-engine demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the

Keywords: multiple pipe routing     optimization algorithm     aero-engine     pipe grouping     parallel layout    

Full-field dynamic strain reconstruction of an aero-engine blade from limited displacement responses

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2023, Volume 18, Issue 1, doi: 10.1007/s11465-022-0731-1

Abstract: This study proposes a method of full-field and real-time strain reconstruction of an aero-engine bladeThe proposed method is validated on an aero-engine blade in numerical and experimental cases.

Keywords: aero-engine blade     displacement response     dynamic strain reconstruction     mode shape     strain gauge    

A digital twin-enhanced collaborative maintenance paradigm for aero-engine fleet

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2024, Volume 11, Issue 2,   Pages 356-361 doi: 10.1007/s42524-024-0299-z

Abstract: Maintenance of aero-engine fleets is crucial for the efficiency, safety, and reliability of the aviationWith the increasing demand for air transportation, maintaining high-performing aero-engines has becomeCollaborative maintenance, specifically targeting aero-engine fleets, involves the coordination of multipleDT) technology provides essential technical support for the intelligent operation and maintenance of aero-engineOvercoming these challenges will allow the aviation industry to optimize aero-engine fleet maintenance

Keywords: aero-engine fleet     collaborative maintenance     Digital Twin (DT)     complex system    

Model validation for structural dynamics in the aero-engine design process

Chaoping ZANG, D. J. EWINS,

Frontiers in Energy 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4,   Pages 480-488 doi: 10.1007/s11708-009-0043-8

Abstract: A model validation technique in structural dynamics and its application in aero-engine development isAn aero-engine component is used as an example to demonstrate the validation using the experimental testagreement with both approaches is achieved, and finally, a strategy of model validation for the whole engine

Keywords: model validation     aero-engine     structural dynamics    

Optimization of aero-engine pipeline for avoiding vibration based on length adjustment of straight-line

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2022, Volume 17, Issue 1,   Pages 11-11 doi: 10.1007/s11465-021-0667-x

Abstract: In the design and troubleshooting of aero-engine pipeline, the vibration reduction of the pipeline systemsegment is taken as the design variable, and an innovative optimization method of avoiding vibration of aero-engine

Keywords: length adjustment     spatial pipeline     aero-engine     vibration avoidance optimization     genetic algorithm    

Independent Development Strategy of Civil Aero-Engine in China in the New Era

Yin Zeyong, Qin Yaxin, Li Jianrong, Cai Jianbing, Du Hui, Yan Jinzhao, Zhu Daming

Strategic Study of CAE 2023, Volume 25, Issue 5,   Pages 185-191 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.07.019


Civil aero-engine is the scientific and technological highland of modernThe development of civil aero-engine industry in China started late and now it is in a criticalThrough field investigation and further discussion, experiences of other countries regarding aero-engineMoreover, existing problems of the aero-engine industry in China are examined while consideringThe independent development of China’s aero-engine industry can be achieved by three steps and

Keywords: civil aero-engine     dual circulation     scientific and technological innovation     independent airworthiness    

Creep life assessment of aero-engine recuperator based on continuum damage mechanics approach

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2022, Volume 17, Issue 4, doi: 10.1007/s11465-022-0702-6

Abstract: The creep life of an aeroengine recuperator is investigated in terms of continuum damage mechanics by using finite element simulations. The effects of the manifold wall thickness and creep properties of brazing filler metal on the operating life of the recuperator are analyzed. Results show that the crack initiates from the brazing filler metal located on the outer surface of the manifold with the wall thickness of 2 mm and propagates throughout the whole region of the brazing filler metal when the creep time reaches 34900 h. The creep life of the recuperator meets the requirement of 40000 h continuous operation when the wall thickness increases to 3.5 mm, but its total weight increases by 15%. Decreasing the minimum creep strain rate with the enhancement of the creep strength of the brazing filler metal presents an obvious effect on the creep life of the recuperator. At the same stress level, the creep rupture time of the recuperator is enhanced by 13 times if the mismatch between the minimum creep rate of the filler and base metal is reduced by 20%.

Keywords: creep     life assessment     brazed joint     continuum damage mechanics     aeroengine recuperator    

Comprehensive kinetostatic modeling and morphology characterization of cable-driven continuum robots for aero-engine

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2023, Volume 18, Issue 3, doi: 10.1007/s11465-023-0756-0

Abstract: In-situ maintenance is of great significance for improving the efficiency and ensuring the safety of aero-enginesa novel tool that aims to promote the development of intelligence and efficiency for in-situ aero-engineintegrated to experimentally validate the proposed kinetostatic model and the concept of in-situ aero-enginecontinuum robot system could be considered a novel solution to perform in-situ maintenance tasks of aero-engines

Keywords: kinetostatic modeling     morphology characterization     variable friction     continuum robots     in-situ maintenance    

Recognition and practice on remanufacturing engineering management of military aero-engine

Xiang Qiao

Strategic Study of CAE 2013, Volume 15, Issue 11,   Pages 67-73


Design,manufacture and maintenance of military fighter engine are particularlya lot more difficult to learn than those of other military aero-engines.Owing to military aero-engine is monopolized by very few countries and its core technology is never transferredCurrently,design and manufacture of military aero-engine in China have not reached the level of independentof independent intellectual property rights have promoted leapfrog improvement of Chinese military aero-engine

Keywords: military aero-engine     remanufacturing     engineering     management    

A zone-layered trimming method for ceramic core of aero-engine blade based on an advanced reconfigurable

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2022, Volume 17, Issue 2, doi: 10.1007/s11465-022-0675-5

Abstract: The trimming problem of the ceramic cores used in aero engines is studied.

Keywords: ceramic parts trimming     computer-aided laser manufacturing     3D vision     reconfigurable laser processing system    

On Step by Step Method in Developing Aero-Engines

Wen Junfeng

Strategic Study of CAE 2000, Volume 2, Issue 3,   Pages 23-26


Two ways to develop the aero-engines and their respective features are discussed in a summary mannerjustified with reference to the practices widely used at home and abroad for improving and developing aero-enginesand to the experience therein, and a better organization and direction for improving and developing aero-engines

Keywords: aero-engine     ways to develop aero-engines     step by step method    

Organization Strategies of Innovation Forces for the Breakthrough of Key Core Technologies in Aero-Engine

Feng Nanping, Xiang Qiao, Shen Rongjun, Yang Shanlin, Chang Wenqing, Ruan Furong

Strategic Study of CAE 2022, Volume 24, Issue 4,   Pages 222-229 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2022.04.019


 Achieving breakthroughs of key core technologies in the aero-engineanalyses the major innovation forces and their problems regarding collaborative innovation in the current aero-enginerelevant forces in the research process of key core technologies, including the government, the army, the AeroEngine Corporation of China, professional maintenance enterprises, upstream and downstream enterprises

Keywords: aero-engine industry     key core technology     collaborative innovation     innovation consortium     national    

Research on Aero Engine Empower Development Strategy

Xiang Qiao, Huang Jindong, Hu Xiaoyu, Yan Wuying, Hou Wei

Strategic Study of CAE 2022, Volume 24, Issue 2,   Pages 106-112 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2022.02.013


Aero engine is crucial for aircraft and its development level reflectsStudying strategies for strengthening the aero engine development in China is significant for technologicalIn this study, we explore the significance for strengthening the aero engine development from the aspectsengine development.Subsequently, we summarize the development status of China's aero engine industry, analyze the challenges

Keywords: aero engine     engine development     power strengthening     equipment manufacturing    

Civil, Hydraulic Engineering & Architecture Front 2017

Civil, Hydraulic Engineering & Architecture Project Team

Engineering Fronts 2017, Volume 1, Issue 1,   Pages 125-151

A method of analysis for modal aero-damping of vibrating blade in incompressible flow

Jun XING, Lin LI,

Frontiers in Energy 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4,   Pages 465-471 doi: 10.1007/s11708-009-0037-6

Abstract: By establishing a research model for aero-damping in a uniform incoming flow, the three-dimension analyticalalgorithm of the modal aero-damping based on the equivalent viscous damping principle was establishedThe algorithm, which is suited for low-speed flow, to compute aero-damping is based on classical liftAccording to the analytical equations, the modal aero-damping ratio for different nature frequenciesThe results show that the aero-damping cannot be neglected comparing with the structure damping.

Keywords: compressor     different     three-dimension analytical     classical     low-speed    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Group-based multiple pipe routing method for aero-engine focusing on parallel layout

Journal Article

Full-field dynamic strain reconstruction of an aero-engine blade from limited displacement responses

Journal Article

A digital twin-enhanced collaborative maintenance paradigm for aero-engine fleet

Journal Article

Model validation for structural dynamics in the aero-engine design process

Chaoping ZANG, D. J. EWINS,

Journal Article

Optimization of aero-engine pipeline for avoiding vibration based on length adjustment of straight-line

Journal Article

Independent Development Strategy of Civil Aero-Engine in China in the New Era

Yin Zeyong, Qin Yaxin, Li Jianrong, Cai Jianbing, Du Hui, Yan Jinzhao, Zhu Daming

Journal Article

Creep life assessment of aero-engine recuperator based on continuum damage mechanics approach

Journal Article

Comprehensive kinetostatic modeling and morphology characterization of cable-driven continuum robots for aero-engine

Journal Article

Recognition and practice on remanufacturing engineering management of military aero-engine

Xiang Qiao

Journal Article

A zone-layered trimming method for ceramic core of aero-engine blade based on an advanced reconfigurable

Journal Article

On Step by Step Method in Developing Aero-Engines

Wen Junfeng

Journal Article

Organization Strategies of Innovation Forces for the Breakthrough of Key Core Technologies in Aero-Engine

Feng Nanping, Xiang Qiao, Shen Rongjun, Yang Shanlin, Chang Wenqing, Ruan Furong

Journal Article

Research on Aero Engine Empower Development Strategy

Xiang Qiao, Huang Jindong, Hu Xiaoyu, Yan Wuying, Hou Wei

Journal Article

Civil, Hydraulic Engineering & Architecture Front 2017

Civil, Hydraulic Engineering & Architecture Project Team

Journal Article

A method of analysis for modal aero-damping of vibrating blade in incompressible flow

Jun XING, Lin LI,

Journal Article